Things to Consider During Fat Loss and Dieting!

Things to Consider During Fat Loss and Dieting!

Fat Loss and Dieting!

The process of fat loss and dieting can ultimately be quite straightforward, and adhering to a diet can happen quite effortlessly, enabling you to achieve the desired level of fitness. Unfortunately, the internet is filled with various miraculous instructions that people try without succeeding in following them.

If basic eating poses challenges, how can one succeed in adhering to an extremely demanding diet?


Your weight may drop much faster than you aim for, with several kilograms or pounds disappearing in a short period. However, don't get too excited, as not all of it is fat loss. The drop in weight is due to losses in water, intestinal content, and glycogen, and the more you reduce calorie and carbohydrate intake, the greater the drop.

If vegetable intake significantly increases, it can cause more intestinal residue and the opposite effect, temporarily stabilizing weight even if fat is being burned. Don't be surprised by a relatively large and sudden reduction in mid and lower abdominal measurements.

Hunger should not be a problem at this stage. You might even feel quite full if you've reduced the number of meals and started eating more vegetables. However, don't be too self-satisfied and think that losing weight is easy. Enjoy this moment while it lasts.

Your energy levels throughout the day won't change significantly yet, as the diet hasn't fully taken effect. Don't be too complacent; stay motivated to continue on the right path. You likely continue to perform well in the gym since glycogen stores haven't depleted, and fatigue hasn't accumulated significantly.


Weight continues to drop, but at a slower pace. In some cases, the speed may remain the same. This is individual and depends on the amount of visceral fat accumulated. Weight loss is now solely due to fat loss, and you can start assessing the speed of fat loss through the scale and measurements.

Reduction in abdominal measurements becomes linear, and you begin to see a trend. As a rough guideline, every 4–5 kilograms of fat loss results in a reduction of about 4–5 centimeters in the stomach per dropped kilogram (~1") in two or more areas.

This also depends on how you burn fat. Is your diet optimal, or is it poorly executed? You certainly want to avoid losing muscle mass, right?

In the body fat percentage range of 10–20%, fat loss typically begins in the upper abdomen and progresses downward. At a higher body fat percentage, you will likely see more movement in upper abdominal measurements than lower. As you lose weight, you'll notice more reduction in measurements around the navel and lower abdomen.

Below 10% body fat, changes in mid and upper abdominal measurements are minimal. The most significant changes occur in lower abdominal and waist measurements, as fat in the lower abdomen and back begins to disappear at this stage. Visual changes can be challenging to notice from the front, especially when fat in the stomach is virtually gone below 8% body fat.

Generally, when you look at yourself in the mirror every day, you get used to the changes, and changes must be quite dramatic to be noticed.

At body fat percentages over 20%, measurements seem to decrease quite evenly in all abdominal measurements and around the body. This is because fat loss at this stage mainly occurs around internal organs (visceral fat) rather than subcutaneous fat tissue (fat under the skin).

Expect gradual reductions in chest and limb measurements. However, don't take this as a sign of muscle loss. If you reach your right hand around and under your left armpit, grabbing your back at chest level, you'll immediately feel the fat. The same applies to many places on your body. Yes, fat concentrates in the abdomen and hips, but we carry it all over our bodies.

You may feel that you look worse as you start losing fat. This is natural, so try not to be discouraged. It takes a certain amount of time for your skin to tighten.

Hunger may become your companion now. You can avoid this situation by eating enough protein. A carrot may start to look delicious. Regular eating and nutritious food help manage eating well, making it less likely for you to succumb to tempting treats.

However, you cannot rely solely on mental and willpower strength. Diets and nutrition plans vary, and fatigue and exhaustion can be avoided with the right approach. This is where sufficient eating helps. You don't need to be hungry to burn fat; it's a mistake and a misconception.

I have personally reduced my body fat percentage to below 5%. Was I hungry? Yes, of course, before the next meal, but not to the point where I couldn't endure it. In my latest competition diet, I didn't lose muscle, and training weights remained unchanged. Isn't that impressive!

This is influenced by an optimally designed diet, diet program, and proper training.

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